Flora & Fauna
Flora& Fauna
The site is a broadly L-shaped field 4.5 acres in extent and can be divided into two areas – the wetland meadow and the community orchard area. The wood is continually evolving with its flora and fauna, please let us know what you spot and see by getting in touch. We will publish these visitors observations on a yearly basis.
The area to the north east has been planted as a community orchard with a wide variety of fruit trees, including old Norfolk varieties. A map of the tree varieties can be found here. Around the fruit trees there are areas of scrub and laid hedgerows. Within the orchard there are a labyrinth, an archway, sculptures and seating.
An all-weather track provides access from Brick Kiln Lane to the south, across the meadow, to the orchard area.
The larger area to the west is a species-rich wet meadow. It was decided at an early stage that although David had envisioned trees to be planted in the meadow area it was just too wet so it was left as it was. This was fortunate as environments such as this have been in serious decline across the country, making these areas valuable and worth conserving.

Download PDF of frtuit tree map

In June 2007 the wood was visited by two experts in their field: Dr Paul Dolman, Senior Lecturer at the UEA in Ecology & Helen Baczkowska, a Conservation Officer for Norfolk Wildlife Trust. They both agreed that grasslands within the ‘meadow’ area of the wood are of a high conservation quality and provide a good example of wet meadow plant communities, with a good richness of interesting and localized species.
As well as good numbers of Southern Marsh Orchid, the meadow supports many other characteristic and uncommon plants of wet grassland and meadows, including a spectacular display of Meadow Buttercup. Of particular interest are the specialist plant community of seasonally flooded grassland and pool margins that include species such as Marsh Foxtail and Lesser Spearwort that flourish in shallow water and recently exposed areas, as water levels draw down in summer. For further information on the flora and fauna of the site please refer to the surveys completed.
Due to the importance of this meadow area it was awarded the status of a County Wildlife Site. County Wildlife Sites are considered to be of value for wildlife in a county context and are provided with guidance and support in their management and protection by the Norfolk Wildlife Trust.
A number of surveys have been completed on site, the details of which can be found here: